- Osteopathy – Initial
- 60 minutes $180 includes:
- Full case history and Osteopathic assessment.
- Biomechanic assessment.
- Diagnosis or detailed Explanation / Education on presenting symptoms, posture or biomechanics.
- Osteopathic treatment which may include as needed: Mobilisations, manipulations, soft tissue/massage, muscle energy techniques, PNF stretching, dry needling, exercise prescription.
- Treatment program explained with likely length of recovery & treatments required.
- Initial rehabilitation, home based program.
- Osteopathy – Follow up
- 30 minutes $110 includes:
- Reassessment followed by a full treatment as at initial consult.
- Additions and adjustments to rehabilitation and home-based program as needed.
- Ergonomic assessment if required.
- Seating and sleeping information/advice.
- Communication and updating other allied health professionals or personal trainers as required.
- Visceral Osteopathy – Initial
- 60 minutes $180 includes:
- Full case history and Visceral Osteopathic assessment.
- Diagnosis or detailed Explanation / Education on presenting symptoms and assessment.
- Osteopathic treatment which may include as needed: Visceral manipulation, abdominal massage, soft tissue massage and release, joint mobilisations, manipulation, stretching techniques, oscillations, relaxation and breathing.
- Treatment protocol explained with likely length of treatments required.
- Self-management, lifestyle and exercise advice.
- Visceral Osteopathy – Follow up
- 45 minutes $110 includes:
- Reassessment followed by a full treatment as at initial consult.
- Additions and adjustments to self-management if needed
- Communication and updating other allied health professionals or general practitioner as required.
Initial consultation 60mins $180
- Full case history and Osteopathic assessment.
- Biomechanic assessment.
- Diagnosis or detailed Explanation / Education on presenting symptoms, posture or biomechanics.
- Osteopathic treatment which may include as needed: Mobilisations, manipulations, soft tissue/massage, muscle energy techniques, PNF stretching, dry needling, exercise prescription.
- Treatment program explained with likely length of recovery & treatments required.
- Initial rehabilitation, home based program.
Follow up consultation 30mins $130
- Reassessment followed by a full treatment as at initial consult.
- Additions and adjustments to rehabilitation and home-based program as needed.
- Ergonomic assessment if required.
- Seating and sleeping information/advice.
- Communication and updating other allied health professionals or personal trainers as required.
Visceral Osteopathy
Initial consultation 60mins $180
- Full case history and Visceral Osteopathic assessment.
- Diagnosis or detailed Explanation / Education on presenting symptoms and assessment.
- Osteopathic treatment which may include as needed: Visceral manipulation, abdominal massage, soft tissue massage and release, joint mobilisations, manipulation, stretching techniques, oscillations, relaxation and breathing.
- Treatment protocol explained with likely length of treatments required.
- Self-management, lifestyle and exercise advice.
Follow up consultation 45mins $130
- Reassessment followed by a full treatment as at initial consult.
- Additions and adjustments to self-management if needed
- Communication and updating other allied health professionals or general practitioner as required.
Frequently asked questions
What is your cancellation policy?
We are aware that life happens and at times appointments need to be changed. Please be advised however that repeated cancellation less than 24 hours before or failure to attend your appointment, will result in the full fee being charged.
Do I need a referral?
No. Osteopaths are primary care practitioners. As such no referral is required and you can make an appointment directly.
What should I bring?
Bring with you any results or documentation that you feel may be relevant. We appreciate the opportunity to fully assess your case with all the information available. If you don’t have x-rays then we are able to request x-rays, MRI’s or appropriate scans where necessary.
What should I wear?
Depending on the body area requiring treatment, you may be asked to undress to your underwear. Shorts and singles are provided however wearing or bringing suitable clothing often makes the process smoother and more comfortable.
Is osteopathy & massage covered by private health insurance?
Osteopathy and massage are covered by all private health insurance companies. Your policy however may or may not cover these extra’s. You will need to check with your health fund directly. We are fully recognized by the Health Funds and incorporate the HICAPS system for your convenience. The HICAPS system enables you to claim your health fund contribution at the time of payment.
Is Osteopathy covered by Medicare?
In certain circumstances Osteopathy is covered under MediCare’s Enhanced Primary Care programme. (EPC). To be eligible you first need to consult your Doctor and if he/she feels it appropriate they can provide you with a specific EPC referral.
Is Manipulation a necessary part of treatment?
It is not uncommon for people to be wary of spinal manipulation, despite the evidence of its safety. Manipulation is only one of the tools available to our Osteopaths and if you feel uncomfortable with this technique or any other used there are other approaches available to us. Prior to commencing any treatment, we discuss with you the treatment plan and the choices available. Your comfort and trust are important to us and we would never apply a technique against your wishes.
How will I feel after treatment?
We aim to improve function and mobility while reducing pain at every treatment. Occasionally you may be more aware of your symptoms for a short period following treatment. This is due to the chemical release of substances within the tissues associated with making change in the body. This is a normal response and most often resolves within 24-48 hours.